Discover how the Teach-BEAST project is revolutionizing teaching methods in STEM subjects by integrating Design Thinking and aligning curricula with real-world job market demands. Explore innovative tools and resources that support academic teachers in better preparing students for future careers.
Project Duration: 01/12/2022 – 28/02/2025
Funding Source: Erasmus Plus Programme, KA220-HED
Budget: EUR 250 000,00
Agreement Number: 2022-1-PL01-KA220-HED-000089791
Role: Project Leader
Partnership: UITM & Alma Mater Studiorum – Universita Di Bologna in Italy, Universitat Ramon Llull Fundacio in Spain and Instituto Politécnico De Portalegre in Portugal
The Teach-BEAST project aims to support innovative practices in learning and teaching to better align university offerings with the demands of the modern job market. In an era of rapidly changing technologies and globalization, academic teachers are expected to continuously improve their skills and implement new teaching methods. Students expect teachers not only to be knowledge-providers but also a mentors who asks pertinent questions to stimulate students’ reflection, discovery of passions, and thinking about careers in terms of professional identity. The goal of the project is to develop and implement an innovative approach to teaching STEM subjects in which the teacher develops skills related to STEM subjects in non-technical majors by changing the teaching model. In frame of the project we designed the approach which helps in profiling STEM subjects according to the field of study and the real requirements of the labor market, in order to show the practical usefulness of the skills and knowledge transferred in STEM subjects and transforming the forms of classes to a project model created based on the framework of Design Thinking. The project promotes not only an innovative approach to teaching but also supports academics in better adapting curricula to the actual requirements of the job market.
Project design
- Work package n°1 – Project Management
- Work package n°2 – Developing and testing the “Teach-BEASTs” approach
- Work package n°3 – Developing, implementing and testing the “DT meets STEM” approach
- Work package n°4 – Dissemination of project results in the community
- Instructors Manual for “Teach-BEASTs Approach – a manual providing methodological guidelines for university teachers on how to use the personal business model canvass technique to plan subject learning outcomes, develop course content, and identify hidden connections between subjects within a major’s study plan.
- Professional Awareness Pills – short term modules designed to be introduced as part of a course, regardless of the subject, to stimulate student reflection on the content discussed from the perspective of their interests, passions, aptitudes and the market value of the skills and knowledge being developed.
- Instructors Manual for “DT meets STEM Approach” – a manual designed for STEM academics looking to modify their courses. It offers guidance on how to integrate Design Thinking framework into STEM subjects.
- A sample STEM subject transformed in the DT framework – a reference model demonstrating how to apply the Design Thinking framework in teaching of STEM subjects.
- Podcast library – collection of podcasts with women employed in non-engineering positions talking about the relevance of skills taught in STEM subjects to their jobs.